Friday, October 7, 2011

Divine Constitution

The Inspired Constitution
There are many aspects of the U.S. Constitution that were inspired of God through man. The fact that we have the constitution still this day, and that it is the oldest surviving constitution proves that it is an inspired document. The fact that almost every nation has formed a constitution based off the one our founding fathers created through the hand of God is evidence that it was inspired of God. The specific components of the Constitution that were divinely inspired are first the separation of powers. This was inspired because it was relatively new. The new nation was in turmoil and about to collapse. The delegates were extremely split on the issue of separation of powers. They eventual created the Connecticut  Compromise which was inspired because it provided the right balance between three branches of government. Namely, the executive, the judiciary, and the bicameral legislative branch. Congress, the first house of the legislative provides each state two representatives, and the house of representatives provides proportional representation based on population. With the separation of powers, tyrannical rule cannot exist. This perfect system of checks and balances in the government was truly inspired. The second inspired segment of the Constitution is the bill of rights. This was inspired because it provides freedom of religion. Without the first amendment, the gospel may not have come forth as it did. The bill of rights also guarantees freedom of speech, press, free assembly, free association and the right to bear arms. It limits the power government has over individuals and protects our natural rights. Our life, liberty, and property are protected through the Constitution. Our natural rights and the bill of rights were inspired aspects of the Constitution. Thirdly, the separation of powers was inspired from God. Along with the separation of national governmental powers, we also have through the constitution the separation of powers in a state level. Each state has three branches of government to form state-level checks and balances. As well we have the separation from state and federal government. The national government checks the states powers. This separation of government provides a way for people to be important to government. This manifestation of divided powers was inspired. Fourthly, the rule of law in the constitution was inspired. Our government is for the people, by the people, and of the people. We give consent to be governed. We are above government. Government is not above the people. This is extremely important in maintaining a righteous system of government. The rule of law, along with many other aspects were indeed inspired.
            Then arises the question: how was the Constitution inspired? It was inspired through men who God foreordained for the very purpose of creating a divine constitution.  In D&C 101 verse 80 it says “And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hand of wisemen whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood. God tells us that his purpose was to bring forth the true Gospel in a land of Freedom. The constitution was vital for the coming forth of our church. The founding fathers were able to receive revelation from God about the new form of government because they worked at it. They rigorously studied many forms of government. They prepared themselves through diligent learning. The founders discussed and debated many issues. They formed committees and counseled together and were able to come to an agreement because they knew the hand of God was in the work they were performing. These men were religious. God was very much in their lives. The founders prayed often, and were filled with the light of Christ. They were humble men of action. They acted on the promptings and feelings that they received. Through inspiration, the founding fathers constructed a divine document called the Constitution. It was truly a “miracle” as George Washington stated when he commented about the forming of the Constitution. The founding fathers were raised by the hand of God and guided by the same. Without these men and their efforts, we would not be the nation we are today. Thankfully however, we do have the inspired Constitution which bares God’s stamp of approval.


  1. Really good man, i like the verse you put in there from D&C 101. also i liked how you added a little about George Washington. the U.S. was truly inspired and created by God

  2. You did a real great job! There was a couple grammatical and capitalization errors. But other than that you did a really great job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I can tell you put a little thought into writing this essay. You gave a lot of good support and hit all of the major points that you needed to. Good job!
